Tuesday 24 January 2012

Following the Law of Entropy

Sorting, culling, packing and storing....

It's amazing what you can accumulate over time, when you have the space.
I am in the process of packing up my personal effects for storage, as I ready my house for my tenant. I've been in my house for 7 years. I moved from a one bedroom apartment to a 3+1 bedroom house with a double detached garage. In accordance with the Law of Entropy, it didn't take long for my belongings to expand. As I sort and cull through the contents of my various cupboards, drawers, and hidden corners, I reflect on my curious collections. Like corks. I honestly didn't know I collected corks. Did I keep them because they represented sacred or celebratory moments shared with loved ones ? It's safe to say that those that didn't spark a sentimental attachment are now in the recycling bag. And toiletries. I admit, this is a long standing addiction of mine. It started when Michelle Williams, my friend from across the street, gave me a bar of soap for my 5th birthday. It was pink, and decorated with netting and pins to look like a fish. When I was a child, I even had my own drawer in the family bathroom, just for soap. Some bars were just too sacred to use (those from special friends), and because they never expired, kept their places of honour. When I grew up, this addiction grew to include to bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and lotion from hotels, just the right size for trips to the swimming pool or to pack for future trips (where I would, inevitably, accumulate even more). Last year, I placed myself under a strict embargo from future purchases of toiletries until I made a dent in my collection. This has been working, and I recently had an opportunity to donate a sizable portion of my loot to a women's shelter, but I still have enough set aside in storage to keep me smelling fresh when I return home from Botswana. I won't even get into my collection of books. Although I rarely read a book more than once, I have a hard time getting rid of them -- especially those that took me to exotic times and places, and fed my curiosity and imagination. I've gotten better at not accumulating more books by taking advantage of my local library. My books are staying, for the benefit of my tenant (if he is so inclined to read any), and because I don't want to pack them up. I stopped collecting souvenirs and artwork from my travels, once my curio cabinets and walls became full, and I have given myself instructions not to acquire more in Botswana, with the following exceptions: I know and want to support the artist; it would make a nice gift for someone special; or, it is a gift from someone special. And, if I happen to share a nice bottle of South African wine with someone, I'll be sure to properly lable the cork.

1 comment:

  1. I also have a soap addiction. I could spend loads and loads of money on soap. but I do use them up. I had a hard time using bubble bath, but they make a great cleaner - so I've been using them for that, too. culling, sorting - I like that kind of stuff. But, alas, I am one of "those" people!
