Wednesday 28 November 2012

One Hundred

This is post number 100 since I started this blog, nearly one year ago.  At this time last year, I had just returned home from my pre-orientation session in Montreal, where I stumbled upon Rue Sansregret, a dark mysterious alley with no clear end in sight.

I started the blog even before I formally accepted the volunteer opportunity.  I still had a lot of arrangements and consequences to consider.  I think, in some ways, the act of setting up the blog and stating my intentions to the world gave me the final push I needed.

In fact, the intention for this sabbatical was set in motion about 5 years earlier.  I was travelling through Kenya and Tanzania with my dear friend, Roxanne, and we both mused about returning to Africa to volunteer in public health or community development.  Roxanne asked when I might do so, and I said, "Maybe in five years, if I can arrange for a one year leave of absence from work."  I didn't think much about it, or do anything consciously to make it happen, until I happened upon a serenidipitous opportunity through WUSC / Uniterra.  And then I arrived here in Botswana, almost 5 years to the day of my prophetic pronouncement.  Roxanne's life path took a different but equally exciting course, and she has been a source of encouragement and support throughout my journey down this road.

In this past year, I have found 100 things to share with you, my friends and family.  100 events, experiences, musings, and observations that I found interesting enough to want to share. 

I this time next year, once I have returned to Edmonton and settled into my regular routine, will I have found another 100 things of interest to share ?  I may have to look a bit harder or longer or differently at the familiar, but I think I am up to the challenge !


  1. I am glad I have been able to be a source of support! I felt quite pushy actually when you we discussed whether you should go to Botswana or not. Like Captain Picard, i was trying to not interfere, and be supportive, but little did I know you secretly already started a blog :) it is easy to find 100 interesting things at home too - Trust me :) looking forward to more!

  2. I was hunting for the "like" button, only to realise it's a blog. Our lives have certainly been enriched by what you have shared. You have friends (Greg), claiming their first christmas card is from Botswana. You've shared the funny and sad things you've encountered. Because you are you, no doubt you will find the sacred in things mundane.
