Monday 25 June 2012

Pancake Plate Trivia - Questions

Those who know me well, know I love to plan parties and events.  I will be hosting a Canada Day pancake breakfast this Sunday for about 30 people.  I will be using my dad's secret pancake recipe, and serving the pancakes with maple syrup (what else?).

I decided to write little Canadian trivia questions on the rims of the paper plates, with the answers to be concealed under the pancakes.

I would like to challenge you to answer the trivia questions.  Let me know what you come up with !  Answers to be provided July 1.

1.   List 3 Canadian NHL teams.

2.   List 3 uniquely Canadian terms.

3.   List the 5 Great Lakes.  Which 4 straddle the Canada / U.S. border ?

4.   List the 10 Canadian provinces and the 3 Canadian territories.

5.   What was the coldest temperature ever recorded in Canada ?  Where was this recorded ?

6.   List 5 famous Canadian musicians.

7.   What is Canada's national sport ?

8.   List 5 Canadian inventions.

9.   Which Canadian coin ceased to be produced in May, 2012 ?

10.  How old will Canada be on July 1, 2012 ?

11.  What food do Canadians consume more than any other nationality ?

12.  What was the last province to join confederation ?

13.  What does the word Canada mean ?

14.  Which territory is home to half of the world's polar bear population ?

15.  What is the name of the schooner (boat) depicted on the Canadian dime ?

16.  Approximately how many lakes are in Canada ?

17.  What percentage of the world's maple syrup is produced in Quebec, Canada ?

18.  What is the longest national highway in the world ?

19.  What is the longest street in the world ?

20.  How many time zones are in Canada ?

21.  How far is it from the Pacific to Atlantic coasts ?

22.  What is the shortest distance from Canada to Botswana ?

23   What is the approximate population of Canada ?

24.  What rodent had the greatest impact on the history and exploration of Canada ?

25.  What is the Canadian $1 coin called ?

26.  What is the Canadian $2 coin called ?


  1. my dear, i know you love trivia and games and questions - but truly, most canadians probably couldn't get these right!! I wonder. I will answer only two of them.
    #2 - toque, poutine, tobaggan, and redneck
    #11 slurpees
    #12 - Newfoundland - and they still aren't sure if they like it!
    let me know if I'm right.

  2. 1. Vancouver Canucks, Edmonton Oilers, Toronto Maple Leafs
    2. Parkade, eh, hoser
    3. Superior, Michigan, Erie, Huron, Ontario
    4. BC, AB, SK, MB, ON, QC, NS, NF, PEI, NB, NT, YK, NU
    5. Trick question ... perhaps in the south
    6. Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, Jann Arden, Glenn Gould
    7. Officially ... lacrosse and hockey
    8. Phone, penicillin, ATM, Blackberry, Smart board
    9. Penny
    10. 145 years
    11. Donuts
    12. Newfoundland
    13. Kanata ... gathering place ... wait, that's Ottawa, non?
    14. NWT or Nunavut
    15. Bluenose
    16. Too many to count :-)
    17. More than half
    18. TransCanada
    19. Yonge
    20. 6
    21. A long, long way
    22. Via the Atlantic
    23. 32 million
    24. Beaver
    25. Loonie
    26. Toonie

    1. Nice going, Bin ! -- Will share the answers on Sunday.
      The answer to number 11 might surprise you - it did me. I ended up serving it at my Canadian dinner, and didn't even realize it was so popular amongst us.
