Monday 22 October 2012

Random Ramblings: Part II

Bring on the Python !

When Lorraine asked me how I cope with the desert heat, I explained that I have come to think of it as a warm hug from the sun (corny, I know, but it works !). 

As we were waiting in the desert in the mid-day, 40 degree heat, for a tire change, she said, "This is no gentle hug from the sun; this is a python squeeze !"

I think I will have to welcome the python, as the days draw on. 

Lately, it has been reaching above 30 degrees Celsius in Gaborone, and it isn't even summer yet !  My office has no air conditioning, so getting through the day is a bit of a challenge.  I wear long sleeves to prevent my arms from sticking to the surface of my desk.


I went shoe shopping when I was in Jo'burg, recently.  I needed new shoes.

Yes, that is duct tape.
These sandals were beyond the help of duct tape !


I tend to watch less tv here than I did when I was at home.  In part, it's because we don't have cable, so there is not a lot of selection. Sometimes, there is nothing on in English. Still, there are times when I just need to veg in front of a talking screen -- like when I come home from work and am not quite ready to prepare dinner. 

That happens to be when Days of Our Lives is on.  It doesn't make any difference to me that the episodes are from the 2009 season.  I wasn't watching Days of Our Lives in 2009, so it's all new to me.  Does anyone who follows the series know what happens to Samantha's baby who was switched at birth by Nicole so she could pass her off as her own ?  I am dying to find out !

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